Welcome to the Club!

BOX #001 – Welcome to the Club

To kick off the Pinot Palooza Club, we were given what sounded like a simple task.

“Pick just 6 (or 3) bottles of Pinot Noir that are awesome wines. Oh, and make sure they’re representative of the festival, highlight the diversity of styles, regions and personalities within, that are drinkable now, and give everyone a hint of what’s to come.”

Yeah. Too easy, right???


Well, after much deliberation, sleepless nights and tapping into our sommelier roots, we’ve done it and sheesh, do we have a cracking line up for you for BOX #1. Some classics, new and emerging styles and producers, serious pedigree and some unapologetic fun.

In the following months, we’ll be deep diving further into the regions you know and love with regional specific packs. We’ve always been about celebrating the diversity of style within the variety at the festival, and so this is very much an extension of that. We want to continue to celebrate the movers and makers from wine regions you may (or may not) be familiar with and make sure you have a heck of a lot of fun doing it.

So, let’s get into it!

The 3 Pack


    Gippsland, Vic

    From the producer who has quite literally been to almost EVERY Pinot Palooza across the globe (seriously), Neil Prentice is a bloody legend. He even started the first ever dance floor at the festival back in 2012 when New Order – Blue Monday dropped. How does it feel? Well this Pinot has consistently been in the Top 10 People’s Choice for years, so it would have been remiss for us to not include it. With a dark red fruit core and savoury edge, this speaks true to Neil’s favourite descriptor of ‘wine with funkosity’. As for Gippsland, we’ve been banging on about this dark horse region for some time now as it truly is coming of age. So yes, keep an eye out for the Gippsland focused Club Box early in the new year.
    I: @moondarrawinewagyu

  • SOS PINOT NOIR, 2020

    Mornington Peninsula, Vic

    To quote Jason Searle and Bill Downie, “we just wanted to make delicious wines that punch above their weight, are inclusive and most importantly are sociable; to be shared with friends at a favourite bar top, to have at home with hump day dinner, take with confidence to a dinner party or in the park with the gang on a sunny Sunday –  wines for every day in every way.”

    And that really does sum up SOS TBH!
    This is their Mornington Peninsula Pinot Noir made from fruit sourced from Hastings and made with as little added as possible. It’s dark red fruited, accessible, and downright drinkable. Anywho. Less talk. More enjoying.
    I: @soswines


    North Canterbury, NZ

    We’ve always had a soft spot for North Canterbury and if you’ve ever had the privilege of visiting the region, you’d know why. It’s simply stunning. Penny and Nicholas’ wines just keep getting better and better – no doubt testament to their astute vineyard focus and organic and biodynamic practices. But then, perhaps it’s the region and place itself. Nestled near the Omihi hills, the crushed herb fragrance and plum-like fruit are just so moorish. It’s then backed with an approachable robustness that just makes us want to settle in for the night, by the fire, watching the sunset over the hills, before getting stuck into some roast lamb for dinner. Who’s hungry?
    I: @blackestate

The 6 Pack (includes above and below!)


    Yarra Valley, Vic

    “We make ballet dancers, not bodybuilders in the Yarra Valley” said then Giant Steps winemaker Steve Flamsteed to us once and you’d be hard pressed to find a better description of wine style or region anywhere. This speaks truth especially here as this has all the hallmarks of classic ‘Yarra’ Pinot Noir with loads of bright red, ethereal fruits. The wines of Giant Steps always manage to find that balance between elegance, power and grace. You know, kinda like ballet dancers.
    I: @giantstepswine


    Geelong, Vic

    For our first club box we wanted to share with you one of our recent wine ‘finds’. Mulline is a collaboration between 2 Bens – collectively, Ben Mullen + Ben Hine. Plus, as they state on their website, Mulline rhymes with “divine” and yep, that kinda nails it.
    B1 (Mullen) has some serious winemaking chops with experience at the likes of Yarra Yering, Oakridge and Dujac to name a mere few. This Nouveau is exactly how it sounds. A fresh, vibrant, instantly accessible pinot noir but with some serious back bone behind it. It’s a brilliant introduction to both Ben’s. If Mulline isn’t on your Pinot radar, it very quickly should be.
    I: @mullinevintners


    Tasmania, Vic

    Didn’t y’all get stuck into all things Tasmanian at this years festival?! Let’s face it, it’s hard not to as the wines, produce and people are all pretty rad. Merriworth was one of many of our festival finds (stay tuned for the Tasmanian focused box!) and a great example of Coal River Valley Pinot Noir. This is all about darker red, brooding fruits and whilst fuller flavoured in style, it’s backed by a freshness that keeps you coming back for more and more.
    Gee we like Tasmanian Pinot.
    I: @merriworthwines